The residential part of the complex is located in beautiful countryside. The bungalows, although located in the hillside, are accessible by car so that you do not have to carry your belongings from the parking lot. However, you must park in the designated parking lots. Bungalows 1-15 are all the same. Each has two beds and the possibility of an extra bed. Indoor kitchen, bathroom with shower and summer terrace with summer kitchen. Apartment 16 is a family suite, completely barrier-free, for 4+1 (4+2) . More apartments for 4+1 will be on offer from April.
You can cook here or just sit and enjoy your stay in nature. The summer terraces are pleasantly cool even in the sultry summer. A pleasant shade in the area is provided by the beautiful mature birch trees, which are the main landmark of the Chobot resort. In winter they are well heated thanks to electric heaters and excellent insulation.
Staying here will evoke a feeling of peace and tranquility, which you will surely enjoy in today's hectic times.
You can now stay with half board, which includes a 3-course dinner at a discounted price, or a 5-course dinner experience package.
Just come and catch the lions with us!
We now have 5 apartments reserved for pets, 3 smaller ones for 2+1 and 2 family ones for 4, with a bedroom on the upper floor where the dog can stay on the lower floor.
In the period from 10.10.2023 to 31.3.2024 we have the possibility of accommodation only without breakfast during the week. On weekends the restaurant is open normally and stays are inclusive of breakfast or half board or experience dinners.
Apartmán č.1 je jeden z 15ti shodných apartmánů s vnitřní kuchyní, koupelnou, se zastřešenou terasou a květinovou či bylinkovou zahrádkou. Tento je v první řadě apartmánů, přímo u jezírka s vodopádem a blízko restaurace. Od jara do podzimu je v letních terasách krásný chládek a pokud si chcete naopak vychutnávat sluníčko, stačí se přesunout na předzahrádku. Stín i v parných dnech zaručují nádherné, vzrostlé břízy, které jsou dominantou celého areálu. Postele jsou oddělitelné a je zde možnost i plnohodnotné přistýlky. A na podzim a v zimě je v apartmánech krásné teplo, jelikož jsou el.vytápěny. V restauraci si užijete bohaté snídaně. V případě polopenze Vás čeká 3chodová večeře. K dispozici je od června vodní svět s brouzdalištěm, travnaté hřiště, trampolína, skluzavka, vodní sprcha a další možnosti vyžití. A nejlíp se u nás chytají lelky...